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miércoles, 10 de julio de 2019

DAILY ROUTINE (La rutina diaria en Inglés)

WAKE UP = Despertar

GET UP = Levantarse

TAKE A SHOWER = Tomar una ducha

TAKE A BATH = Tomar un baño

BRUSH MY TEETH = Cepillarme los dientes

SHAVE = Afeitarse

GET DRESSED = Vestirse

BUSH MY HAIR = Cepillarse el cabello

COMB = Peinarse

PUT ON MAKE UP = Maquillarse


HAVE LUNCH = Almorzar


STUDY = Estudiar

GO HOME = Ir a casa

MAKE DINNER = Preparar la cena

WATCH TV = Mirar Televisión

CHECK EMAIL = Revisar el correo electrónico

GET UNDRESSED = Desvestirse

GO TO BED = Ir a la cama

SLEEP = Dormir

What’s your daily routine?

I get up at 6 o’clock, I take a shower and brush my teeth, then I have breakfast with my family and I go to work, at 1:30 I have lunch in a restaurant and I come home at 7: 15 pm, there I get undressed, take a shower, later I watch tv and I make dinner, and finally I go to bed and sleep.

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