Hey Friends, let’s study the useful vocabulary about the
- Head = cabeza
- bags under the eyes = ojeras
- beard = barba
- brain = cerebro
- cheek = mejilla
- chin = mentón
- ear = oreja
- eye = ojo
- eyebrow = ceja
- eyelash = pestaña
- forehead = frente
- hair = cabello
- lips = labios
- mouth = boca
- neck = cuello
- nose = nariz
- tongue = lengua
- tooth, teeth = diente, dientes
- throat = garganta
- Arm = Brazo
- Elbow = codo
- Finger = dedo
- Fingertip = yema del dedo
- Hand= mano
- index finger = índice
- little finger = meñique
- middle finger = dedo medio
- nail = uña
- palm = palma de la mano
- ring finger = anular
- shoulder = hombro
- thumb = pulgar
- wrist = muñeca
- Abdomen = abdomen
- Armpit = axila
- Back = espalda
- Belly = vientre
- breasts = pechos
- chest = pecho
- heart = corazón
- hip = cadera
- navel = ombligo
- stomach = estómago
- waist cintura
- Ankle = tobillo
- Buttock = nalga
- Calf = pantorrilla
- foot, feet = pie, pies
- heel = talón
- knee = rodilla
- sin = canilla
- thigh = muslo
- thighbone = fémur
- toe = dedo del pie
Mira el video que hemos preparado sobre este tema:
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